TOMCC Member Aids Motorcycle Parking Security

In an ongoing battle to get secure motorcycle parking spaces, TOMCC Member Councillor Teresa Murray along with members of MAG and ATOMS/BSAOC have managed to persuade Medway Council to install Security Bars in the motorcycle parking area in the Commercial Road Vehicle Park, Strood (Rochester), Kent, UK.

Now you can park your pride and joy in the centre of Strood securely. The security bars should deter other vehicles from parking in the area (though I'm sure some will try), and chaining your motorcycle to the security bars should deter all but the most determined thief.

All you need now is a good lock and chain. When buying locks and chains do make sure that they have been tested by a reputable organisation such as Thatcham. You can check the products a company has had approved by Thatcham on their website.