Details about the Derby branch
Colours: Black and Blue
Contact: Lee Kirk
Email the Branch:
Thank you for contacting us. You should receive an answer in due course.
The branch HQ is:
The Shakespeare Inn
117 London road
DE72 2GP
Club nights Tuesday 8.00pm.
Triumph DERBY BRANCH on FACEBOOK for blow by blow information
Our meeting HQ weekly meetings start 8.00pm Tuesdays
The Shakespeare Inn
117 London road
DE72 2GP
For future events and dates e mail derbytriumphclubt100@yahoo.co.uk
The Derby branch has a closed Facebook Page for members only. Search for derby triumph and ask to be a friend.
Martin Gee
Martin has taken up the baton and brings to the role a lot of experience. The Derby branch is run by the committee with its members encouraged to take an active part in running the club. it is up to each member how much or how little they want to be involved. just enjoy your motorcycling.
Membership Secretary
Lee Kirk
Runs secretary (joint)
Ian Roberts
Phil Rickaby
Austria in June. Club holiday
Show Secretary
Alan Cooper
Bev Lee
Discussing the Branch finances with Charlie Boorman!
Too many images to show. Heres a few to remind you or wet your appetite to get out on your bike.