Details about the Wirral branch
Colours: Black-Gold
Contact: Mike Bartlett
Website: http://www.wirral-tomcc.co.uk/
Email the Branch:
Thank you for contacting us. You should receive an answer in due course.
Social occasions with like-minded folk based around our love of Triumphs! Please ride down to the Wheatsheaf (the oldest pub in Wirral) from 8pm any 2nd or 4th Monday and introduce yourself to us.
Runs out, rallies, shows as well as our annual Liverpool pub crawl in December and curry night in January
The Wheatsheaf, Raby Mere Road, Raby, CH63 4JH - Meets: 2nd and 4th Monday each month at 20:00
Dave Pearson
Joined TOMCC in 1981 and served on the committee since 1988, having been roped into being secretary, treasurer and scribe over the years. At the 2017 AGM I became Branch Chairman. I have a T140E which I bought in 1980 a T140ES which I acquired in 2016 and a T160 I got last year.
Runs Captain
John Spall
Runs captain since 2011 organising our Monday night runs and Wednesday lunchtime 'OAP' runs
Peter Griffiths
In 2022 I came back as scribe after a 30 year absence!
Mike Bartlett
Joined the club in 2004 and took on the role of secretary in 2013. I still have the Bonneville Triton I originally built up in 1971. I also have a Hurricane and a collection of Hinckley machines, why not.
David Malam
I have owned a Triumph T140v since I was 17, in 2018 I decided to get my first modern Triumph, a T100 Black, which I have now exchanged for a 2020 T120 Black, which is my current ride, along side my 1973 T140v. I have been a member of Wirral TOMCC since 2012, taking up the position of treasurer in 2017
Weekend Runs Captain
Steve Barnes
Took up post of weekend runs captain in 2022. Have sorted out some weekend rides to complement the Monday night and Wednesday lunchtime runs, see our website for details.