Details about the Leicester branch

Colours: Blue and White

Contact: Tom McDonald - Chairman.


Email the Branch:



Leicester Branch of the TOMCC meets on the first and third Tuesday of the month at 7.30. We encourage owners of Hinckley, Meriden and earlier Triumphs and bikes with Triumph powerplants. We offer a warm welcome to potential members, so come along and meet us and learn more about the Leicester Branch.

The Leicester Branch has the riding name of 'The Flying Foxes'. We have a regular ride outs. We also organise longer trips occasionally.

The branch also attends many events during the year so if you see our display stand come and say hello, ask for Lynda Sleath.



The Carington Arms, Folville Street, Ashby Folville, Melton Mowbray LE14 2TE - Meets: First and Third Tuesday of each month from 7.30pm onward



Leicester Branch operates thanks to the voluntary work of the Branch Committee who we introduce below. All are riders and are dedicated to giving your membership of TOMCC real value and having fun. They would be pleased to see you at a Club Night or on a run.

  • Branch Archivist

    Sherren Charlton

    Hard working member attends the vast majority of our events on Bob's pillion. Sherren is building our records to pass on to our successors 01162776779 or Mobile: 07772 271098.



    Tom has always been a great asset to the branch and will be even more so now he is the Chairman. Mobile Number: 07966283688 or email

  • Committee Member

    Dave Nutting

    'I'm new here and I don't know what to do'...

  • Events Officer

    Dick Sleath

    Don't know what to say about this man - just don't play cards with him! Mobile: 07850 359711

  • Merchandise Officer

    June Massey

    June has generated some excellent merchandise in collaboration of Redline check out all the gear. 0784619793 A keen member and rally attender with partner Tom. email:

  • Secretary & Treasurer

    Lynda Sleath

    See her on our runs with her 1959 Tiger 100. Tel 07801632794 email



Welcome to the Leicester Branch Gallery which is where we show off a bit. If you would like to share your photographs with the branch email Lynda Sleath with a short description and you can show off too.